Educational Programs
T2DM Oral Agents Fact Checking: Educational program

Globally, Diabetes affects 537 million people and this number will increase up to 784 million until 2045.
Type 2 Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease that lead to macro- and microvascular complications like myocardial infarction, chronic kidney disease or diabetic retinopathy. An early and intensive glycemic control is essential to reduce the risk of these complications. However, HbA1c levels remain too high to avoid them, due to lack of diagnosis, clinical inertia or poor adherence to treatment.
The "OA Fact Checking" program - developed by a committee of 25 endocrinologists from around the world - aims to provide HCPs with last scientific data on the use of oral antidiabetic agents, their efficacy on HbA1c levels and how the gluco-centric and cardio-centric management approach of T2D can be combined.
Illustrated by real-world clinical situations, participants will be able to put into practice the learnings of the modules to provide an individualised approach of their patients with T2D.